Category: <span>Tricks N Tips</span>

Tricks N Tips

Tricks N Tips

Varnish Cache is an open source, state of the art web application accelerator. You install it on your web server and it makes your website fly. It really true, if you have a big website with huge visitors then Varnish Cache will be really a boon for you.
Varnish Cache

Even Facebook recommends and uses Varnish Cache to speed itself up.

So we are gonna see how to install and configure Varnish Cache on Ubuntu Operating system with Apache Web server. (This article is to install varnish on Ubuntu 10.04 but its almost the same for other versions of Ubuntu. The version of apache doesn’t matter .)

Tricks N Tips

I found a nice article at jasoncodes. which helped me to solve my problem about the query paramaters in url..

If you use FeedBurner for your feeds, then it has a feature which integrates with Google Analytics to tell you how many of your hits come via feed readers. This is rather useful because feed readers typically don’t pass any useful referrer information (especially desktop clients). This tracking can be enabled by ticking the “Track clicks as a traffic source in Google Analytics” option in your FeedBurner account.

However, this comes with a disadvantage to those of us who care about clean URLs.

It pollutes the urls like this:;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_campaign=Feed:+example

Tricks N Tips

For most of my codes in post posts I use the “Preformatted” style from the drop down menu in the Visual editor of WordPress. It works quite well for demonstrating sections of code or screen output. However, there is a problem with using Preformatted and that is the issue with word wrapping.


Preformatted style in WordPress uses the <pre> HTML tag. The <pre> tag does not word wrap any of the sentences contained within, and if you are using a defined space for displaying the text, as with the theme on my WordPress, you may find that your examples are shortened and the text appears over the sidebar or scroll bar appears. There is a fix to this problem that requires some minor style tag modifications for the <pre> tags that seem to run off into the distance.

Tricks N Tips

This tutorial tell you how to add syntax highlighting to Blogger with Alex Gorbatchev’s open-source SyntaxHighlighter Using autoloader method.
Advantages of this method:
SyntaxHighlighter contains a lot of brushes. Previously one had to explicitly load all the brushes required. But this method load them dynamically without having to load them all on the same page. So the brushes get loaded only when they are called, thus reducing page load time to great extent. …..

Tricks N Tips

This is a basic C++ Bubble Sort Program which I had to create in my college. It has Been posted here for reference.This code will only work in the obsolete Borland Turbo C++ v3  !!

C++ Programs