Tag: <span>HTML5</span>

Some Google projects really do start from one person hacking around. Last summer, an engineering intern named Pieter Senster joined the mobile advertising team to explore how we could display Flash animations on devices that don’t support Adobe Flash player. Pieter made such great progress that Google hired him full time and formed a team to work on the project. Swiffy was born!

Today we’re making the first version of Swiffy available on Google Labs. You can upload a SWF file, and Swiffy will produce an HTML5 version which will run in modern browsers with a high level of SVG support such as Chrome and Safari. It’s still an early version, so it won’t convert all Flash content, but it already works well on ads and animations.

Web Tools


I found a nice article at jasoncodes. which helped me to solve my problem about the query paramaters in url..

If you use FeedBurner for your feeds, then it has a feature which integrates with Google Analytics to tell you how many of your hits come via feed readers. This is rather useful because feed readers typically don’t pass any useful referrer information (especially desktop clients). This tracking can be enabled by ticking the “Track clicks as a traffic source in Google Analytics” option in your FeedBurner account.

However, this comes with a disadvantage to those of us who care about clean URLs.

It pollutes the urls like this:


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